Wednesday, January 5, 2011

words within with me ....

words within with me ....

wrote words for a cause....
never wished or imagined a:plause
time passed by they made me
and as i wrote them..
they became words within me....

strong fragile were my words
passionate compassionate
ruled their worlds
still they resist and persist
my words within me with me ..

coming back to life was awsome...
just give a smile ohh that was precious ..
will i lose some someone made me cautious
all these words were my celebrations....
till they become a words within me with me

a true attire buried life or turning fire
these titles never been the part of my life
writing is my passion words are its possession
now they mean a lot to me .....
all they are my words within me with me

- shashank navalkar 04-01-2011

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